Are Payment Plans Available for the AMES?


There are payment plans available for all AMES residents. There is an added discount for METI/AAHFRP MES, PRCS and/or MEPD graduates. AMES payment plans are outlines below: 

Non - METI/AAHFRP Registrants




You may register for ONLY the AMES 4-Day Workshop. Payments plans are available. 


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What is a residency and why do I need the AMES?


A residency is usually part of the training for physicians. The residency is a period of advanced training upon graduation. This consists of a supervised practice of a specialty and instruction for more experienced specialists. The time period for residencies varies depending on the area of specialization. 

The AMES residency is designed to provide advanced training and an immersion in MET. This is a year long program. 

A residency is required to make sure specialists have the depth and proper training to practice their area of specialization. The AMES is the first METI. Its a very deep dive into the application of exercise for clients with medical conditions. 

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Advanced Medical Exercise Specialist Residency is Finally Here!!


Medical Exercise Specialists......the Advanced Medical Exercise Specialist Residency (AMES) is finally here!! MedXPROs take your MET skills, knowledge and practice to the next level with the AMES. This is a 1-year deep dive into medical exercise training including advanced assessments, exercise techniques, client/practice management or more. All the missing pieces you can now fill-in with the AMES. Go to for details, residence design and FAQs. We begin March 28th! #advancedmes

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METI - 2021 Update


Hello everyone!! This is our first blog post for 2021. I bet most of your are glad 2020 is gone and you welcome 2021 with hope and optimism. We have two new programs for 2021: 1) the Advanced Medical Exercise Specialist Residency (AMES); and 2) the Medical Exercise Training - Electronic Medical Records (MET-EMR) system. These two programs will have a very positive impact on MedXPROs worldwide. 

Look for more details on both of these programs later this week. Thanks for all your support. We look forward to seeing you in the AMES or using the MET-EMR. 

Stay safe!!

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Merry Christmas from METI


Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!! This is my favorite time of year. I wish you and yours all the best and a very Merry Christmas!!

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Medical Exercise Training.....The New Modality - Part 5


The Medical Exercise Training client is usually somewhere between 25 and 80 years of age. They have a chronic medical condition but they are "medically stable".  Their blood pressure, blood glucose, pain, swelling, etc are all managed to allow participation in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise without exacerbation of their condition. The medical management is provided by physicians, therapists, chiropractors, nurses, etc using indicated medications or procedures. The MET client must be "medically stable" to begin exercise.  

The MET session should include some combination of strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, stability and functional training. Prior to beginning exercise the client should undergo a MET assessment including medical history and screening along with an appropriate regional assessment. The assessment allows the MedXPRO to identify residual functional deficits. These and other findings from the assessment are used to develop an...

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Medical Exercise Training.....The New Modality - Part 4


Medical Exercise Specialists will become more important in the management of chronic disease over the next 20 years. The Medical Exercise Specialist (MES) program began in 1994 as an attempt to provide safe and effective exercise for patients discharged from physical therapy. Since 1994 the need for medical exercise/post rehab training has continued to grow.

The Medical Exercise Specialist is the new health professional. The MES has evolved beyond “personal trainer”. Completion of a thorough education in exercise management of medical conditions is required to obtain the title. Medical Exercise Specialists provided a wide range of services but never in an effort to replace licensed medical professionals. The role of the MES is to: 1) deliver safe and effective exercise for medical conditions; 2) effectively communicate with medical professionals; 3) document functional outcomes and 4) provide wellness and lifestyle education.  

The education necessary to fulfill...

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Medical Exercise Training.....The New Modality - Part 3


Medical exercise training (MET) utilizes a “new fitness approach” to manage medical conditions using exercise. We know there must be a new approach to managing chronic medical conditions using exercise. Hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, total joint replacements, low back pain and others are bankrupting health care systems around the world.

For fitness to have a significant and long-term impact on healthcare these changes must be implemented: 1) using specific functional outcome measures to gauge progress; 2) utilize a protocol-based approach to deliver of MET services for specific medical conditions; 3) determine number of session and duration of MET services; 4) establish a system of communication and documentation to share the results and progress of exercise programming with the medical community and 5) incorporate home exercise and lifestyle education into MET programming. These five points simply say…..MET is an extension of the services provided by...

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Medical Exercise Training.....The New Modality - Part 2


Healthcare is changing rapidly and Covid will speed those changes. Medical exercise training (MET) will continue to grow but there is a need for MedXPROs to complete comprehensive and detailed MET education leading to competence and confidence to integrate exercise into the medical management process. 

The integration will require MedXPROs to:1) develop safe and effective exercise protocols for individual medical conditions; 2) utilize and report functional outcome measures; 3) document client progress and 4) communicate effectively with medical professionals. These are just a few of the skills needed to apply this new modality - Medical Exercise Training. 

If you want to pursue a career as a medical exercise professional visit Download and read "Medical Exercise Training.....The New Modality" by clicking here

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Medical Exercise Training.....The New Modality - Part 1


Medical Exercise Training (MET) is here to stay. It’s the new modality in managing medical conditions. If you are a fitness professionals and would like to develop the skills and knowledge to use exercise to enhance the function of clients with medical conditions join us and start "Bridging the Gap Between Health Care and Fitness" by becoming a Medical Exercise Specialist. Go to for details. Click here to learn more about Medical Exercise Training....The New Modality.

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