7 Mistakes Medical Exercise Professionals Make When Approaching Medical Professionals

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2019

Medical Exercise Specialists want to connect with medical professionals to establish relationships and get referrals. MET started 25 years ago with the first Medical Exercise Specialist course. Since then Medical Exercise Specialists have approached physicians, physical therapists and chiropractors. Many of these medical professionals do refer their patients but many medical exercise professionals are commiting the "7 Mistakes Fitness Professionals Make When Approaching Medical Professionals”. This post will review these 7 mistakes.

  1. Talking about your fitness certifications – many medical professionals have no idea of fitness certifications nor the organizations which offer them. Most medical professionals in physical therapy, orthopedics and sports medicine know of ACSM. But they have no idea of the certifications fitness organizations offer. In your presentation, if you focus on your fitness certifications, you might find the result does not include referrals.
  2. ...
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Residual Functional Deficits......The Reason for Medical Exercise Training


Clients are leaving physical or occupational therapy earlier and with greater limitations such as weakness, lack of endurance, etc. This is not the fault of the physical or occupational therapists, its the changes in insurance reimbursement for rehabilitation. As a result the medical exercise professional is seeing clients with greater ‘residual functional deficits”. These deficits limit client function and are the primary reason for the growth in medical exercise training since 1994 when we offered the first Medical Exercise Specialist workshop and certification.

The job of the Medical Exercise Specialist is shifting toward identifying and developing an exercise program to improve these “residual functional deficits”. These deficits may be in range of motion, strength, endurance, balance, power, etc. The function wheel below identifies the key components of function. Your job as the medical exercise professional is to deal with these deficits.


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Does Your Medical Exercise Training Practice Need a Jumpstart?


So you want to build a medical exercise practice? You completed the Medical Exercise Specialist (MES) or Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist (PRCS) certification but now what? Which physician or physical therapist should you approach first? What should you say to physicians and therapists? What will medical professionals want for referring clients? How should you explain medical exercise training (MET)? Will doctors accept you as a Medical Exercise Specialist? How do you build credibility to obtain referrals?

Get the answers to these questions and more in Medical Exercise Jumpstart!!

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6 Keys to MET Transition

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2019

Making the transition from personal training to medical exercise training (MET) can take time. Over the last 25 years we have identified 6 keys to making a successful transition to medical exercise training. In this video Dr Mike reviews these 6 keys. The 6 keys are:

1. Stop Thinking Like a Fitness Professional

2. You Have Expertise Medical Professionals Need

3. Seek More Medical Continuing Education

4.Find a Physician or Therapist as a Mentor

5. You Have the Key to Function......EXERCISE!!

6. Medical Exercise Training is ALL About FUNCTION!!

Please share your thoughts on the keys for your transition to MET.

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Do You Use Functional Outcome Measures To Determine MET Success?

Uncategorized Aug 28, 2019

Functional Outcome Measures (FOMs) are important to determine the effecitveness of medical exercise training. Medical exercise professionals will have to begin using FOMs to communicate with medical professionals, clients and insurance carriers. This segment will review FOMs and how medical exercise professionals can use them and enhance their practice. This video will answer 4 questions: 1) what are functional outcome measurements; 2) why do I need to use FOMs; 3) when do I use FOMs and 4) where do I obtain FOM values for my client?

Please share how you have used functional outcome measures in your practice.

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Medical Exercise Career Success Path - Leadership

Uncategorized Aug 28, 2019

LEADERSHIP is the final stage of the Medical Exercise Specialist Career Success Path. Everyone wants to get to this stage and teach courses, mentor younger less experienced medical exercise professionals or manage a MET program. To get here, as with other professions, its requires completion of the earlier stages to ensure the leader has all the requirements, experience and knowledge to lead, advise and manage effectively.

We put MES Career Success Path together because there is a trend now which says, if you took the workshop before other staff members, though you have limited experience using the technique or skill, you are the expert and you can teach others. or you can use the technique on clients. That’s not quite how it should work. For lawyers or physicians, to become the professor or teacher, it requires years of training and skill refinement, management decisions and producing positive outcomes before you are allowed teach or mentor.

Once you reach the LEADERSHIP...

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Medical Exercise Career Success Path - Growth


GROWTH….this is the stage every medical exercise professionals wants to get to as quickly as possible, This is where everyone wants be. A growing, thriving practice with referrals coming in and high revenue is the goal. Only 10% of medical exercise professionals get to this stage. This stage is the most elusive and difficult to reach for a number of reasons.

By the time you get to this stage you have a SPECIALIZATION and you passed through the MANAGEMENT stage so you can produce positive functional outcomes for your clients; you have learned the APPLICATION of the skills you learned in the MES or PRCS workshops from which you established a strong FOUNDATION. So now its on to GROWTH. Without passing through the previous four stages, you wouldnt be here. GROWTH can only come from passing through the other four. This is the same in every profession. You can’t shortcut it….you’ve got to do the work and put in the time. But it’s great because now you...

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Medical Exercise Training - The New Health Care Professional....Medical Exercise Specialist


With the changes in health care there must be a new professional added to the medical management team to assist with large numbers of chronic disease clients. In July of 1994, the first Medical Exercise Specialist workshop was held in Washington, DC to train fitness professionals to “Bridge the Gap” as part of the medical management team and assist with the large numbers of chronic disease sufferers. This video will discuss this new professional as well as the scope of practice and role of the Medical Exercise Specialist. This is the fourth in our series “Medical Exercise Training…. The New Modality”. Below please subscribe to our blog to receive the final segment.

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Medical Exercise Career Success Path - Specialization


Welcome to the fourth stage of the Medical Exercise Specialist Career Success Path – SPECIALIZATION. Everyone wants to be a specialist. You want to be the expert, know all the information and get all the clients. You want to attend all the seminars and workshops. You want to speak on stage and help others. Well now you’re entering the Specialization stage of the career path.

Here at the Medical Exercise Training Institute we have looked at specializations in three areas of MET: 1) orthopedics; 2) neurology and 3) geriatrics. Eventually, we will look at specialization guidelines in sports, cancer and padiatrics but these three are the ones to focus on to get the specialization process started.

Many other professions have specializations. Physical therapy has board specializations in a wide range of areas. I remember when these began with just a handful of options. Now they are numerous. The same thing will occur in medical exercise training. These three areas encompass...

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Medical Exercise Career Success Path - Management


Now that you have established a foundation and began the application of medical exercise training skills, the next step along the Medical Exercise Specialist Career Success Path is MANAGEMENT. Do you have the ability to take the knowledge gained in the foundation stage and the application of skills developed in the application phase to now produce positive functional outcomes for your clients?

This is the stage where now you determine if you can deliver on your promises to clients!! In this stage you know have to focus on “functional outcome measures” (FOMs). These are universal measures understood by both medical and fitness professionals which allow the determination if the exercise program is effective in managing the client’s medical condition(s). If the FOM improves, the exercise is effective. If not, steps should be taken to adjust the exercise program. This now allows medical exercise professionals to begin to managing conditons more effectively. Functional...

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