The True Measure of a Medical Exercise Professional: Consistency and Competence


The True Measure of a Medical Exercise Professional: Consistency and Competence

In recent years, the fitness industry has seen a proliferation of certifications for medical exercise, medical fitness, and post-rehabilitation. The growing demand for highly qualified medical exercise professionals is undeniable. However, the critical question arises: are these certifications, and the individuals who obtain them, truly prepared to work in conjunction with medical professionals and manage medical conditions through exercise?

Since its inception in 1994, the Medical Exercise Training Institute has been at the forefront of providing comprehensive medical exercise and post-rehabilitation education. METI has highlighted six essential competencies medical exercise professionals must master to deliver effective and safe exercise management.

The Six Must-Have Competencies

  1. Competence in Medical Exercise Sciences: Understanding a wide range of medical conditions is crucial. A medical exercise...
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Advanced Medical Exercise Specialist Workshop is Back!


The Advanced Medical Exercise Specialist Workshop October 20 - 23 is SOLD OUT!! But now you have the option to attend the workshop VIRTUALLY. You can avoid the hassle of travel, the high gas prices and hotel rates by clicking the below link and registering now. You can learn all the advanced MET skills from the comfort of our own home or studio.

Register and get full access to the 4-day AMES workshop via LIVESTREAM!! The VIRTUAL Advanced Medical Exercise Specialist Workshop gives you the skills to produce the client outcomes you need to build your credibility and your reputation with medical professionals and clients.

The AMES Workshop is the most comprehensive and detailed training for medical exercise and medical fitness professionals anywhere. This workshop will show you how to apply the advanced MET skills you need to be successful. We will review the 52 essential MET skills:

To register go to . Only 10 seats are available!!

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