Medical Exercise Specialist.....How Well Do You Manage the "Big 6"?


Medical exercise professionals must effectively manage the “BIG 6”. These six conditions are major contributors to the skyrocketing health care costs we see across the globe. The “BIG 6” include:

  1. Total Joint Replacements
  2. Diabetes
  3. Osteoarthritis
  4. Hypertension
  5. Low Back Pain
  6. Obesity

The costs of managing these conditions is the primary reason every medical exercise professional should learn to manage these conditions. If you focus on these six conditions you can build a strong  practice.

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Why Does Medical Exercise Training Focus So Much on FUNCTION?


The majority of clients referred to medical exercise training (MET) are there due to “residual functional deficits”. As we have mentioned in previous blog posts, over the last 25 years the reimbursement for rehabilitation services has diminished. As a result physical therapy patients are discharged earlier. We saw trend starting in the early 1990’s. This prompted us to develop the “Medical Exercise Specialist” certification. Insurance reimbursement for physical therapy is now roughly half of what it was in the 90’s. With patients being discharged earlier, we estimate roughly 80% of those discharged from physical therapy have functional deficits and need a safe and effective exercise program to enhance their level of function at work, at home or with sports. FUNCTION is the driving factor for medical exercise training!

The function wheel above identifies the nine key elements of human function. These elements may be...

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7 Services Every Medical Exercise Training Facility Must Offer


MET is designed to augment medical services, particularly rehabilitation services. There are 7 programs every MET program must offer. These 7 programs include:

  • 1) Group Training for Total Joint Replacements
  • 2) Lifestyle Management Training
  • 3) Dynamic Back School
  • 4) Weight Management
  • 5) Osteoarthritis Training
  • 6) Sports Injury Conditioning
  • 7) Neuro Training

There are certainly other programs you might offer but these 7 are essential. For more MET practice building tips go to

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Do doctors understand the importance of MET and how to use it?


Do doctors understand the importance of MET and how to use it?

No, physicians will not understand medical exercise training (MET) but don't let this be a deterrent. Most physicians realize exercise is beneficial for their patients but as far as prescribing specifics with exercise, such as activities, frequency, duration and progression, they wont know how. But they aren't trainerd to know exercise. Physicians are trained to diagnose and treat disease. In learning to treat disease, they perform surgery, write prescriptions; read x-rays; and interpret diagnostic tests...exercise prescription is not part of the standard medical school curriculum. 


But their defense - which would you prefer? You go to the emergency room at 2 in the morning with a sick child. Would you want the physician to have the ability to interpret the diagnostic test(s) to determine your child's illness and the best course of treatment or do you want a physician that understands exercise...

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Medical Exercise Training......The 5 Keys to Insurance Reimbursement


In an earlier blog post we discussed the need to proviide more affordable medical exercise training options. Insurance reimbursment is an area many Medical Exercise Specialists are trying to understand. In this video Dr Mike will review the 5 criteria you must meed before you can begin to look at any possibility of reimbursement from the insurance carrier. The criteria are:

  1. Physician's Referral
  2. Major Trauma, Surgery or Long-Term Condition
  3. Received Maximum Benefit from Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, etc
  4. Residual Functional Deficits
  5. Not Covered by Medicare, Medicaid or Govt Coverage

If the client meets ALL 5 criteria, then you may begin the process of submitting for reimbursement. In a later article we will discuss the steps needs for reimbursement.

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Medical Exercise Jumpstart Begins Thursday!!

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2019

Medical Exercise Jumpstarts Begins THURSDAY!!! The first Jumpstart session will review Clarity and Foundation. In this video Dr Mike talks about the key points of Jumpstart session 2…..”Marketing Plan”. Click Here to Register Now!!

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Medical Exercise Training 101 Ebook - Tip 1


Welcome to the Medical Exercise Training 101 Ebook Tips Series. These are practice development tips from our MET101 Ebook. This first tip reviews "What is Medical Exercise Training....How is it Different from Personal Training, Corrective Exercise and Physical Therapy?" 

Click Here to Get Your Copy of the MET101 Ebook

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7 Steps to Building a Medical Exercise Training Practice

Uncategorized Sep 06, 2019

7 Steps to Starting Your MET Practice in Any Setting

So you want to work with diabetics, total joint replacements, arthritis, low back pain and other medical conditions? But you are wondering where to start, what to do and which medical professionals to approach? In this presentation, I will give you the "7 Steps to Starting Your Medical Exercise Training Practice in Any Setting". For the last 20 years, I have helped and educated fitness professionals and personal trainers around the world to "Bridge the Gap Between Health Care and Fitness". This presentation will summarize everything I've learned and shared with them.

Medical Exercise Training (MET) is the development of safe and effective exercise programming for clients with medical conditions. MET does not provide any aspects of medical treatment. This new and growing arena is one of the keys in solving our health care crisis. MET is a great option for managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity,...

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Are You Sure Your Client's Pain......Is Muscle or Posture??


Medical exercise training and corrective exercise are growing rapidly. It’s important to make sure both concepts are used appropriately. Many clients may report pain and discomfort to their fitness professional. In many instances, the immediate response is to think of an exercise to manage the discomfort. Obviously, the personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist or medical exercise professional cannot diagnose. But there should be some process to determine if the client should seek medical care.

In the corrective execise realm the response may be to put the client through a screening to determine what exercise will manage the discomfort or the accompanying muscular imbalance. We need to start thinking beyond muscular and postural imbalances as the source of client pain and discomfort. In many cases, these non-muscular/postural sources of discomfort are not considered by the corrective exercise specialist or personal trainer.

In the METI – Medical Exercise...

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5 Ways to Make Medical Exercise Training More Affordable

Uncategorized Sep 06, 2019

Medical exercise professionals are doing a great job managing medical conditions with exercise but are we providing services to all the clients in need of medical exercise training (MET)? Many clients are not financially able to access MET services. In this blog post, Dr Mike discusses five ways to make MET services more affordable. The options are:

  1. MET Group Training – this allows a more affordable option to deliver MET services. MET group training consists of a small group of exercise participants (<10) with similar medical conditions participating in a group exercise class. The class focuses on the exercise needs based on the medical condition as well as avoiding contraindicated activities in the conditioning programs. The group classes focus on a particular group of related medical conditions. This allows the exercise class to focus on the specific needs of the condition(s) and thereby improve function of the participants.
  2. MET Online Training...
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