MES Study Group Starts May 14th!!


It's the 30th anniversary of the Medical Exercise Specialist (MES)! The need for medical exercise training is growing and will continue to do so for the next 20 years. You've already signed up for the MES let's finish!!


You are enrolled in our Medical Exercise Specialist Training Series but you have not finished!! I get gets in the way. You have stuff!!  You spent ALL that money and you're stuck. NO WORRIES....the MES Study Group is designed to help you get through the MEST lessons, quizzes and pass the final MES Examination.


We have a Medical Exercise Specialist Study Group (MESSG) starting Tuesday, May 14th at 9pm ET/6pm PT. We will meet via ZOOM every other Tuesday evening. And if you can't make it.....every session is recorded. 


There are 12 MES Study Group sessions, each looking at a different component of the MES Training Series. Check out the schedule...

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Medical Exercise Training Institute - February 8, 2022 Update


Welcome to the first Medical Exercise Training Institute weekly update of 2022. This update includes: 1) METI certification renewal changes for 2022 including the introduction of our Medical Exercise Professional Ethics training; 2) the start of the 2022 – Advanced Medical Exercise Specialist residency on March 6th and 3) the start of our next Medical Exercise Specialist Study Group on February 22nd; the release of the first Medical Exercise Training client management and record system – MedXPRO/ClinicMaster on February 18th. Click here to join the MedXPRO/ClinicMaster webinar February 18th at 1pm ET.

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Medical Exercise Specialist Study Group Starts February 22nd


The next Medical Exercise Specialist Study Group begins February 22nd at 9pm ET. This is the first session of our 12 session MES Study Group. Each MESSG session is a 60 minute live Zoom session during which Dr Mike will review, summarize  and help you understand how to apply the information in the 50 lessons from the MEST program.

Each MESSG session is recorded and available for your later viewing. The schedule for this MESSG is noted below. You may join anytime. You may repeat the MESSSG as many as you feel necessary in your preparation for the MES final examination. 

Click here for more details and to enroll. 


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Medical Exercise Specialist Study Group is BACK!!


Hello everyone and welcome back. We've survived this first round of COVID and we are back with the MES Study Group (MESSG). The MESSG starts the evening of June 30th at 9pm ET/6pm PT. To register go to


We are in this together. Social justice is expected for every human on this planet. Peaceful protests are the right of every AMexican. Violence and rioting are not acceptable. Please point out social injustice when you see it. Remember Dr King's summary of Theodore Parker's quote:

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."

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