8 Habits of Successful Medical Exercise Specialists


Medical Exercise Specialists (MES) there are 8 habits that could predict your success? Teaching the MES workshop and speaking with MES around the world, I have noticed highly successful Medical Exercise Specialists demonstrate 8 habits I think, guarantee their success. Let's discuss each of these 8 habits and explain their impact on a medical exercise  practice. Successful MESs are able to develop safe and effective medical exercise programs for a wide range of medical conditions, establish long-term referral relationships with medical professionals, and build strong practices. If you embrace these habits, I guarantee you too will grow a profitable and successful practice.

1. Medical Exercise Specialists DEFINE their scope of practice and role in a clear and concise manner in their brochures, marketing materials and presentations. Defining your scope of practice and clearly outlining your menu of services allows you to position yourself as the medical...

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Medical Exercise Training.....11 Myths and Misconceptions - Part 2


Hello Medical Exercise Specialists we are back for part 2 of "11 Medical Exercise Training Myths and Misconceptions".  Yesterday we noted 6 of the 11 Myths. They are: 1) Medical Professionals Recognize Fitness Certifications; 2) Doctors Dont Know Exercise and Won’t Refer; 3) Medical Exercise Training is Basically Corrective Exercise; 4) I Don’t Need to Speak with Medical Professionals; 5) Medical Exercise Training Does the Same Thing as PT and Chiropractic; and 6) Medical Exercise Training is Best Done in a Large Fitness Facility. The myths we will review today are:

7) Insurance Carriers Won't Pay for MET Services - insurance carriers have reimbursed for MET services. But make sure you are very clear to the insurance carrier, the client and the physician and medical professionals of your credentials, title and you are offering "medical exercise training" not any form of medical treatment or therapy services;

8) I Don't Need to Market to Medical Professionals - this...

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Medical Exercise Training.....11 Myths and Misconceptions - Part 1


Worldwide Medical Exercise Training (MET) is growing rapidly. There are several MET myths and misconceptions we must address as we move forward as a profession. In this post we will review 6 of the "11 Medical Exercise Training Myths and Misconceptions". Allow me to list and briefly discuss these first 6.

  1. Medical Professionals Recognize Fitness Certifications - most medical professionals have no idea of fitness certifications or their certifying bodies. For medical professionals, the bottom line within their profession is licensure and area of specialization. The lack of a standardized fitness education and specialization process is the major cause of lack of recognition and confusion within the medical community regarding fitness certifications.
  2. Doctors Dont Know Exercise and Won't Refer - this is another myth. Physicians definitley aren't well versed in exercise and its application. Frankly, medical school cirriculums don't have significant offerings in exercise. Some...
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Medical Exercise Training Progress Reports - 3 Reasons They are Great for Marketing


Good morning. I spoke with a new medical exercise professional yesterday and he feels there is no need to send progress reports to medical professionals after they have referred clients. I was shocked he couldnt understand the reasons to provide progress reports.

In this video we outline 4 reasons progress reports are one of the best marketing strategies you can use as a MedXPRO to begin establishing referral relationships with medical professionals. But let me say....sending progress reports does not guarantee you an instant relationship or referrals. It takes time but it's the start.

For more guidelines getting started in MET and building your practice go to www.MET101Ebook.com. #TheRealMES 

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Medical Exercise Success - Day 28


Medical Exercise Specialists one of the keys to building your practice is to develop relationships with medical professionals in your community. Welcome to Day 28 of our "40 Days to Medical Exercise Success". In this post Dr Mike interviews Chris Harris, business development director for Re-Kinect, a MET practice in Richmond, VA. Chris and Dr Mike share their thoughts on the importance of developing a relationship with a physician or therapist as well as finding that "go to" medical professional when you have questions.

The METI - Medical Exercise Specialist certification requires completion of 10 observation hours with a licensed physical therapist, physician, massage therapist or chiropractor. This is vital step in developingreferral  relationships as well as your learning as a Medical Exercise Specialist.

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Medical Exercise Training Skills Checklist


Medical exercise certifications are popping up everywhere but the most important consideration in this new emerging flied is your proficiency in medical exercise skills. The Medical Exercise Training Institute has identified the 52 essential skills all medical exercise professionals must demonstrate a high level of proficiency. The name of the game is not certifications, its having the ability to perform these skills to produce outcomes for MET clients. 

Please take a moment to rate your level of proficiency with the 52 essential MET skills. Click the link below to complete MET skills checklist. 

The MET Skills Checklist was developed in 2001 by Michael Jones in a effort to further identify and qualify medical exercise professionals. Many MET facilities use the skills checklist as a means of rating staff members for promotion and pay raises. 

Instead of downloading the skills checklist, please complete the checklist online by clicking this link....

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Medical Exercise Success - Day 27


Good morning Medical Exercise Specialists welcome back to Day 27 of "40 Days to Medical Exercise Success". Today will discuss the importance of developing and using medical exercise forms to document your sessions and outcomes as well as when communicating with medical professionals. 

All activites in your MET session, every exercise, every client comment and all outcomes should be documented. Documentation can protect you legally as well as allowing another MedXPRO to understand the strategy and techniques used to train your client. When training medical exercise clients, its important to leave a documentation trail if another trainer has to work with your client. This allows consistency and continuity with training. 

Some of the MET form you will need include: referral pad form; training session log: progress report form; and regional assessment forms to name a few. To purchase personalized forms for your MET practice, please go to ...

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Medical Exercise Success - Day 26


Hello Medical Exercis Specialists. Welcome to day 26 of "40 Days to Medical Exercise Success". Today lets develop a medical exercise presentation. We've developed a marketing kit including a introductory letter. business card and  referral form. 

You will need a presentation once you get your foot in the door of a medical professional. PowerPoint is an easy platform to use for your presentation. If you are unable to project onto a wall or screen, we recommend an Ipad. An Ipad is an easy means of making the presentation one on one or to a small group. 

For information on customizing the METI presentation, - "Medical Exercise Training....The New Modality" - please contact us at [email protected]. Please subscribe to our "40 Days of Medical Exercise Success" at our blog www.postrehab.com/blog


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Medical Exercise Success - Day 25


Hello Medical Exercise Specialists and welcome to Day 25 of "40 Days to Medical Exercise Success". Today will develop a "medical markting kit". This kit will contain your brochure and business card (We developed yesterday). It will also contain a sample flowchart from one of the protocols you developed, it will also contain your introductory letter. 

This kit is provided to the medical professional when you make the initial in person meeting. I wouldn't send this first. This is a hand deliverable item ONLY. 

Don't breat the bank on your first version of your "medical marketing kit". use basic materials to get started. A solid color portfolio with a printed label with your practice name and logo is fine for the first time. Insert your introductory letter, brochure and business card. The key is the presentation as well as the outcomes you produce. As your practice grows develop more sophisticated marketing materials to insert into the kit. 

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Medical Exercise Success - Day 24


It's day 24 of "40 Days to Medical Exercise Sucess". In past 40 Days posts you've developed a logo with a tagline and asked clients why they use your services. Now let's start working on a brochure and business cards. Most medical exercise professionals straddle the line between fitness and medical exercise training. They develop brochures primarily promoting fitness but share the brochure with medical exercise clients as well as medical professonals.

This leads to confusion on the part of the reader. I understand you still have fitness clients and fitness has paid the bills. But let's make the leap. Yes, fitness and medical exercise use the same modality...EXERCISE...but they have different agendas and marketing points. Develop a brochure with a focus on medical exercise training. In the brochure briefly say..."who you are...what you do....how you do it and who you do it to".

Please subscribe to our blog to make sure you don't miss any of the "40 Days to Medical Exercise Success"...

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