METI Certification Renewal Update


Hello everyone. I hope this feeds you safe and healthy. Covid 19 has certainly changed our world. I know it's had a huge impact on our medical exercise professionals. I know many of you have MET and post rehab certifications which are about to expire or have expired. We realize many of your are limited in your abiity to see clients you can see as well as access to PT and rehab facilities to perform observation hours. Follow the link below to renew your certification:


Click Here for Certification Renewal


With that in mind we have made some modifications to our renewal policy. We hope this makes it easier to renew and maintain your certifications. The changes include:

1. Only 5 hours of observation hours and your MET/post rehab related course work is required to renew;

2. Regardless as to when your certificate expired, you will only pay the $50 renewal fee. The reinstatement fee is waived until further notice. 

3. If you are unable to complete observation hours...

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Medical Exercise and Post Rehab - The Real Deal


Hello everyone!! I hope this blog post finds you and yours safe and healthy. Covid - 19 has certainly turned our lives upside down. We are now seeing and will see even greater shifts in both the healthcare industry and fitness industry. The shutdown of health clubs and the restrictions with hospital elective surgeries has major implications for revenue and the future of these two industries.


The shift in the fitness industry is toward medical exercise and post rehab fitness. This is great for fitness professionals. But we must be careful. We are seeing a proliferation of post rehab certification programs. This is good as a means of giving access to more fitness professionals to obtain the necessary training to work with chronic medical conditions. But there is also concern with the marketing of these certifications. Many ads for these certification programs are using terms which should not be part of the language of medical exercise or post rehab professionals. These terms...

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Medical Exercise Specialist Study Group is BACK!!


Hello everyone and welcome back. We've survived this first round of COVID and we are back with the MES Study Group (MESSG). The MESSG starts the evening of June 30th at 9pm ET/6pm PT. To register go to


We are in this together. Social justice is expected for every human on this planet. Peaceful protests are the right of every AMexican. Violence and rioting are not acceptable. Please point out social injustice when you see it. Remember Dr King's summary of Theodore Parker's quote:

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."

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Medical Exercise Client Management System - Part 7

This is a quick review and overview of the MET Client Management System. The phases in the client management system include: 1) initial contact/session; 2) assessment; 3) post-assessment; 4) schedule sessions; 5) training session; and 6) the progress report.
The MET management keys include: 1) understanding the related anatomy/pathology of the client's condition; 2) identifying red flags; 3) identify functional deficits and the related functional outcome measures to use to determine client progress; 4) short and long term goals and 5) finally document and report outcomes.
This is a brief review of the MET Client Management System. Look at your practice and envision implementing these components into your practice.
Also, we encourage our Medical Exercise Specialists to move beyond a business to developing a practice. A practice is far stronger than a business. It requires marketing but less than a business. The business is always looking for new...
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Medical Exercise Training Client Management System - Part 6


Medical Exercise Specialists a necessary component of the "MET Client Management System" the PROGRESS REPORT!! This is our 6th video in the MET Client Management System series. The progress report is one of the most important aspects of developing relationships with medical professionals. The progress report helps you demonstrate your professionalism and will set you apart from other personal trainers. 


The progress report should be completed and forwarded to the referring physician or therapist every 30 days or upon a follow up visit by the client. There is nothing more unprofessional for a Medical Exercise Specialist than receiving a referral from a medical professional and providing no progress report on the client's follow-up visit. The physician or therapist needs your input to assist with the development of the next phase of the client's care. 


A progress report should never exceed ONE PAGE! Medical professionals don't have time to read...

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Medical Exercise Client Management System - Part 5


Medical Exercise Specialists this is the 5th in our series of videos reviewing "MET - Client Management Systems". Prior to this video we discussed the initial contact, the MET assessment and post assessment phases of client management. We also briefly discussed scheduling the client. Click here to review for guidelines on sessions and frequency for common conditions seen in a MET setting.

In this video we will review the MET training session portion of the client management system. The MET session should begin with just a quick assessment interview with the client regarding their status. This could be a simple question such as "how did you do after our last session"?

You should have goals for the each MET session. The session goal(s) should relate back to the "functional deficits" identified in the assessment as well as the short and long term goals established in the post assessment phase. 

Blood pressure and heart rate are important vital signs to review...

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Welcome New Medical Exercise Specialists

Welcome to our newest class of Medical Exercise Specialists from our Houston MES Onsite Workshop. The 2-day onsite MES workshop is the best and most comprehensive workshop for medical exercise professionals wishing to gain confidence and competence to effectively manage a wide range of medical conditions. 

Welcome to Sean Weigner, Andy Breaux, Michael Sullivan, Henry Moon, Selina Hinojosa, Rhett Barrett, Justin Hibbert, Eddie Nunez, and Tuan Tran. Thanks to Jason Hodge, MES, MEPD and Medical Fitness Pros for hosting the course and supporting Medical Exercise Specialists worldwide. 

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8 Habits of Successful Medical Exercise Specialists


Medical Exercise Specialists (MES) there are 8 habits that could predict your success? Teaching the MES workshop and speaking with MES around the world, I have noticed highly successful Medical Exercise Specialists demonstrate 8 habits I think, guarantee their success. Let's discuss each of these 8 habits and explain their impact on a medical exercise  practice. Successful MESs are able to develop safe and effective medical exercise programs for a wide range of medical conditions, establish long-term referral relationships with medical professionals, and build strong practices. If you embrace these habits, I guarantee you too will grow a profitable and successful practice.

1. Medical Exercise Specialists DEFINE their scope of practice and role in a clear and concise manner in their brochures, marketing materials and presentations. Defining your scope of practice and clearly outlining your menu of services allows you to position yourself as the medical...

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Medical Exercise Training.....11 Myths and Misconceptions - Part 2


Hello Medical Exercise Specialists we are back for part 2 of "11 Medical Exercise Training Myths and Misconceptions".  Yesterday we noted 6 of the 11 Myths. They are: 1) Medical Professionals Recognize Fitness Certifications; 2) Doctors Dont Know Exercise and Won’t Refer; 3) Medical Exercise Training is Basically Corrective Exercise; 4) I Don’t Need to Speak with Medical Professionals; 5) Medical Exercise Training Does the Same Thing as PT and Chiropractic; and 6) Medical Exercise Training is Best Done in a Large Fitness Facility. The myths we will review today are:

7) Insurance Carriers Won't Pay for MET Services - insurance carriers have reimbursed for MET services. But make sure you are very clear to the insurance carrier, the client and the physician and medical professionals of your credentials, title and you are offering "medical exercise training" not any form of medical treatment or therapy services;

8) I Don't Need to Market to Medical Professionals - this...

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Medical Exercise Training.....11 Myths and Misconceptions - Part 1


Worldwide Medical Exercise Training (MET) is growing rapidly. There are several MET myths and misconceptions we must address as we move forward as a profession. In this post we will review 6 of the "11 Medical Exercise Training Myths and Misconceptions". Allow me to list and briefly discuss these first 6.

  1. Medical Professionals Recognize Fitness Certifications - most medical professionals have no idea of fitness certifications or their certifying bodies. For medical professionals, the bottom line within their profession is licensure and area of specialization. The lack of a standardized fitness education and specialization process is the major cause of lack of recognition and confusion within the medical community regarding fitness certifications.
  2. Doctors Dont Know Exercise and Won't Refer - this is another myth. Physicians definitley aren't well versed in exercise and its application. Frankly, medical school cirriculums don't have significant offerings in exercise. Some...
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