The Medical Exercise Training client is usually somewhere between 25 and 80 years of age. They have a chronic medical condition but they are "medically stable". Their blood pressure, blood glucose, pain, swelling, etc are all managed to allow participation in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise without exacerbation of their condition. The medical management is provided by physicians, therapists, chiropractors, nurses, etc using indicated medications or procedures. The MET client must be "medically stable" to begin exercise.
The MET session should include some combination of strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, stability and functional training. Prior to beginning exercise the client should undergo a MET assessment including medical history and screening along with an appropriate regional assessment. The assessment allows the MedXPRO to identify residual functional deficits. These and other findings from the assessment are used to develop an...
Medical Exercise Specialists will become more important in the management of chronic disease over the next 20 years. The Medical Exercise Specialist (MES) program began in 1994 as an attempt to provide safe and effective exercise for patients discharged from physical therapy. Since 1994 the need for medical exercise/post rehab training has continued to grow.
The Medical Exercise Specialist is the new health professional. The MES has evolved beyond “personal trainer”. Completion of a thorough education in exercise management of medical conditions is required to obtain the title. Medical Exercise Specialists provided a wide range of services but never in an effort to replace licensed medical professionals. The role of the MES is to: 1) deliver safe and effective exercise for medical conditions; 2) effectively communicate with medical professionals; 3) document functional outcomes and 4) provide wellness and lifestyle education.
The education necessary to fulfill...
Healthcare is changing rapidly and Covid will speed those changes. Medical exercise training (MET) will continue to grow but there is a need for MedXPROs to complete comprehensive and detailed MET education leading to competence and confidence to integrate exercise into the medical management process.
The integration will require MedXPROs to:1) develop safe and effective exercise protocols for individual medical conditions; 2) utilize and report functional outcome measures; 3) document client progress and 4) communicate effectively with medical professionals. These are just a few of the skills needed to apply this new modality - Medical Exercise Training.
If you want to pursue a career as a medical exercise professional visit Download and read "Medical Exercise Training.....The New Modality" by clicking here.
Medical Exercise Training (MET) is here to stay. It’s the new modality in managing medical conditions. If you are a fitness professionals and would like to develop the skills and knowledge to use exercise to enhance the function of clients with medical conditions join us and start "Bridging the Gap Between Health Care and Fitness" by becoming a Medical Exercise Specialist. Go to for details. Click here to learn more about Medical Exercise Training....The New Modality. knee and hip replacements will become a large component of MET services over the next 20 years. The number of total knee replacements performed is estimated at 720,000 per year. TKR clients, if there are no major post-operative complications, will go through a brief bout of physical therapy. After which they are prime candidates for medical exercise training (MET) to increase strength, maintain or improve ROM/flexiblity, enhance joint stability and overall restore function. Every total joint replacement client needs MET in some form or fashion.
This video summarizes status of the client regarding swelling, ROM/flexibility and exercise programming. Three areas must be simultaneously addressed in the acute stages following TKR: 1) swelling/pain; 2) ROM/flexibility and 3) muscle recruitment/strength. In the acute stages these 3 are best handled in a physical therapy setting after discharge from the hospital. After these are addressed and the client is...
Medical exercise training (MET) will grow tremendously over the next two decades. Medical Exercise Specialists (MES) will also see the types of clients they manage expand greatly. To manage this wide range of client, medical exercise professionals (MedXPROs) will need a logical thought process to develop safe and effective medical exercise programming. The Medical Exercise Training Institute (METI) developed this 6 Point MET Client Management system more than 20 years ago and it is taught to every METI Medical Exercise Specialist, Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist and Medical Exercise Program Director. This medical exercise "critical thinking" model should be used when providing all medical exercise services.
The 6 Point MET Client Management System includes the following:
Hello everyone. I hope this feeds you safe and healthy. Covid 19 has certainly changed our world. I know it's had a huge impact on our medical exercise professionals. I know many of you have MET and post rehab certifications which are about to expire or have expired. We realize many of your are limited in your abiity to see clients you can see as well as access to PT and rehab facilities to perform observation hours. Follow the link below to renew your certification:
With that in mind we have made some modifications to our renewal policy. We hope this makes it easier to renew and maintain your certifications. The changes include:
1. Only 5 hours of observation hours and your MET/post rehab related course work is required to renew;
2. Regardless as to when your certificate expired, you will only pay the $50 renewal fee. The reinstatement fee is waived until further notice.
3. If you are unable to complete observation hours...
Medical Exercise Specialists (MES) there are 8 habits that could predict your success? Teaching the MES workshop and speaking with MES around the world, I have noticed highly successful Medical Exercise Specialists demonstrate 8 habits I think, guarantee their success. Let's discuss each of these 8 habits and explain their impact on a medical exercise practice. Successful MESs are able to develop safe and effective medical exercise programs for a wide range of medical conditions, establish long-term referral relationships with medical professionals, and build strong practices. If you embrace these habits, I guarantee you too will grow a profitable and successful practice.
1. Medical Exercise Specialists DEFINE their scope of practice and role in a clear and concise manner in their brochures, marketing materials and presentations. Defining your scope of practice and clearly outlining your menu of services allows you to position yourself as the medical...
Hello Medical Exercise Specialists we are back for part 2 of "11 Medical Exercise Training Myths and Misconceptions". Yesterday we noted 6 of the 11 Myths. They are: 1) Medical Professionals Recognize Fitness Certifications; 2) Doctors Dont Know Exercise and Won’t Refer; 3) Medical Exercise Training is Basically Corrective Exercise; 4) I Don’t Need to Speak with Medical Professionals; 5) Medical Exercise Training Does the Same Thing as PT and Chiropractic; and 6) Medical Exercise Training is Best Done in a Large Fitness Facility. The myths we will review today are:
7) Insurance Carriers Won't Pay for MET Services - insurance carriers have reimbursed for MET services. But make sure you are very clear to the insurance carrier, the client and the physician and medical professionals of your credentials, title and you are offering "medical exercise training" not any form of medical treatment or therapy services;
8) I Don't Need to Market to Medical Professionals - this...
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