Medical Exercise Training......The New Modality - A New Fitness Approach


Changes in health care, insurance reimbursement and the recognition by both medical professionals and the general public have increased the need for the integration of exercise into medical management plans. In this the third segment of the video series “Medical Exercise Training….The New Modality” we outline the “new fitness approach” that must be utilized to deal with the health care crisis. A key to this new fitness approach is the use of Functional Outcome Measures" - FOMs. 

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Medical Exercise Training.....Wasted Billion$$


This is the second in our series “Medical Exercise Training…..The New Modality”. In this video we review the “wasted billions” that could easily be avoided if medical exercise training was integrated into management of chronic medical conditions such as osteoarthritis, diabetes, hypertension, low back pain, obesity and total joint replacments. Click the “play” button to watch the video. To white paper titled "Medical Exercise Training....The New Modality" please click here. 

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Medical Exercise Career Success Path - Foundation


Medical Exercise Training is here to stay and will grow over the next two decades. Over the last 25 years Medical Exercise Specialists have seen great success managing clients with medical conditions to positive outcomes as well as building relationships with medical professionals. The first step to achieve these milestones is the establishment of a sound…FOUNDATION. FOUNDATION is the first step on the METI – Medical Exercise Specialists Career Success Path.

A sound FOUNDATION is important for every medical exercise professional. There are a few vital courses that are components of the FOUNDATION. They are:

  1. The METI – Medical Exercise Specialist workshop or the Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist workshop;
  2. A clinical anatomy/pathology course. “Clinical” means relating to the observation and treatment of actual patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies. This is the next level of anatomy beyond basic gross anatomy where...
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Medical Exercise Career Success Path - Introduction


Medical Exercise Specialists are finding opportunities in a wide range of settings from health clubs, to physical therapy clinics, to hospital based fitness centers. As opportunities grow there must be some outline of a path to professional growth and success for medical exercise professionals. This is our attempt at establishing a “Medical Exercise Specialist Career Success Path”. Education without a defined course can be useless. The steps we outline in this video are similar to what we see in other professions such as law, medicine and engineering. The six points along with MES Career Path are:

  1. Foundation
  2. Application
  3. Management
  4. Specialization
  5. Growth
  6. Leadership

Avoiding or missing the steps along this path can be done but there may be possible negative outcomes down the road. This is the first of a series of posts and videos outlining the “Medical Exercise Specialist Career Success Path”. Join us tomorrow for part 1 – Medical Exercise Specialist...

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Medical Exercise Training.......The New Modality


Medical Exercise Training (MET) is the New Modality to manage medical conditions. Exercise is the missing modality in many medical management plans. This five-part video series will review the importance of this emerging modality and how it may be used to manage our chronic disease crisis. Click the “play” button below to watch. 

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