Medical Exercise Training Client Management System Pt 1 / 30 - 4 - 30 Episode 21


Medical Exercise Training Client Management System - We all know the need for medical exercise training (MET) will grow over the next 20 years. The transition to MET from personal training requires a more systematic approach to client management. This video briefly reviews the METI "Client Management System" taught in our MEPD program. This segment from our 30 - 4 - 30 series recorded in October 2018. 

MET client management has a number of components: 1) initial intake; 2) initial session; 3) assessment; 4) post assessment; 5) schedule; 6) the training session; and the 7) progress report. The system is based on identifying the client's functional deficits, determining the functional outcome measures (FOMs); recording/documenting outcomes, effectively training the client and reporting progress. 

Please share the client management system(s) you use in your practice. 

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30 - 4 - 30 Episode 2


This our second 30 - 4 - 30 episode. These tips are designed to help you build your practice. Targeting is important in establishing your MET practice. Target conditions and/or medical professionals. Select 3 medical professionals to approach initially to build your MET practice. Focus on a couple of medical conditions as specialties. For more information to build your practice join our community for medical exercise professionals.....go to

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30 - 4 - 30 Episode 1


This is our first 30 - 4 - 30 episode. These were originally published in 2017. These segments provided such good information, we decided to republish them in 2019. In this episode Dr Mike helps you clearly define your scope of practice as a Medical Exercise Specialist; what medical exercise training is and finally your role as a MES. For more information go to

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Medical Exercise Specialists......How Much Should You Charge?


Medical Exercise Specialists (MES) provide great outcomes for their clients. They are not simply personal trainers but highly trained medical exercise professionals providing safe and effective exercise for clients with medical conditions after medical care is over. The need for Medical Exercise Specialists will continue to grow over the next 20 years.

Medical Exercise Specialists should charge 20% to 50% above the going rate for personal training services. The MES provides services above simple personal training. Developing exercise programs to effectively manage diabetes, disc herniation, ligament sprain as well as communicating with medical professionals and documenting training sessions requires a higher level of professionalism, understanding and skill. As a result, the Medical Exercise Specialist should command a higher pay rate. 

As Dr Mike outlines in the video the Medical Exercise Training Institute (METI) recommends MESs charge 20% above the going regional personal...

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8 Pieces of Equipment Every MET Facility Must Have


8 Pieces of Equipment Every MET Facility Must Have.........Whether you have a 1200 sq ft or 5000 sq ft facility, here are 8 essential pieces of exercise equipment every MET facility needs.

The 8 pieces are:

  1. Upper Body Ergometer
  2. Cable Column Unit
  3. Leg Press/Shuttle
  4. Swiss Balls, Stretching Straps, Dumbbells, etc.
  5. Recumbent Bike
  6. Mat Table
  7. Digital Exercise Software - PhysioTec
  8. Blood Pressure Cuff

There are several other important pieces of equipment you may add but these are ESSENTIAL. For a more detailed list for a small, medium or large MET facility go to review tip #46.  #TheRealMES

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Medical Exercise Specialist Professional Approach


Medical Exercise Specialist must have a specific and deliberate approach to managing medical conditions with exercise. The “MES Professional Approach” is taught in our MES and PRCS workshops. The MES Professional Approach is reviewed early in the workshops and is the basis for all aspects of medical exercise training. There are five components this approach. This video will briefly discuss each.

The MES Professonal Approach:

  1. Understand the related anatomy and pathology of the client’s condition
  2. Immediately recognize the contraindicated activities and exercises
  3. Understand key assessment techniques
  4. Incorporate indicated activities and exercises
  5. Plan to progress to positive outcome

This approach is simple but it’s similar to the approach to medical management taught to students in medical, physical/occupational therapy, chiropractic and nursing schools. The MES is not trainerd to replace nor provide any aspects of medical services or treatment. But there must...

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Medical Exercise Specialistsā€¦..How You Do Explain Medical Exercise Training?


Clearly and concisely defining and/or explaining medical exercise training can be challenging. I highly encourage all our medical exercise training graduates to have a "elevator speech" which allows you to define your role and services in 30 - 60 seconds. Make sure you explain who you are; what you do; how you do it; and who you do it to. That's probably the simpliest thought in explainiing MET services.

If you do not define your role and services, someone else will and that can leave you in a difficult situation. If the person explaining your services is not 100% clear, you could end up with clients or medical professionals completely misunderstanding your role and services. This may cause some very difficult sitatuations. Please develop a clear elevator speech to define who you are and what you do as well providing a definitation for medical exercise training.

This is tip 6 from the MET101 Ebook. Please obtain your FREE copy of the MET101 Ebook at


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Medical Exercise Specialists.ā€¦..Is Our Education Building a Profession!!


Medical Exercise Specialists are found on six continents around the globe. They have made a major impact on health care systems and the fitness industry around the world. The need for medical exercise training (MET) is growing and will continue to do so over the next 20 years. But with that growth we also see a proliferation of medical exercise/medical fitness certifications. The concern with this proliferation is the “read a book…take an exam” approach to MET education.

You would run if a physician or therapist remarked he or she simply read the book and took their licensure exam. The same should hold true for the medical exercise professional. Managing medical conditions with exercise isn’t simply knowing a few exercises for a condition….its understanding the related anatomy and pathology of the condition and how exercise is applied. We now see the medical exercise/medical fitness certificate becoming another “merit badge” for the...

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7 Steps to Packaging Medical Exercise Training Services


For Medical Exercise Specialists to be more effective and produce positive outcomes, packaging or bundling MET services to meet the needs of the clients and their conditions is important. Usually MET services are provided in a singular manner. Services such as one-on-one training, group classes and medical membership are offered separately. For effective management of chronic conditions a shift to packaging all MET services necessary to produce a positive outcome is preferred.

These are the 7 steps to packaging MET services:

  1. Identify the condition and its MET needs
  2. Identify the 6 key exercise points
  3. Identify the 6 lifestyle management keys
  4. Combine these 3 for 30 days exercise goals
  5. Develop six 10-minute lifestyle management PPT’s
  6. Develop six 45-minute group exercise sessions
  7. Focus on what the client walks away with.

At this point packaging MET services is seldom avaiable to the client as initial offering . But as the demand for MET grows so will the need to offer ...

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Medical Exercise Specialists.....Are You Looking for The 9 Red Flags?


Medical Exercise Specialists are working with more clients and the numbers are continuing to grow. With the changes in insurance reimbursement, many clients are seeking medical exercise training services but are not quite ready for such. Each client presenting for medical exercise training services must complete a screening to determine if they are ready for MET. The screening process will identify "RED FLAGS".

Red flags indicate the client is NOT "medically-stable" nor ready to begin exercise outside a clinical setting.  "Medically-stable" means the client can tolerate 30 minutes of exercise and symptoms such as pain, swelling, etc have been stabilized. In your screening look for these Red Flags:

  1. Radiating Pain
  2. Numbness/Tingling
  3. Loss of Range of Motion
  4. Loss of Function
  5. Swelling
  6. Night Pain
  7. Chest Pain/Shortness of Breath
  8. Open Wounds
  9. Abnormal Vital Signs

Though exercise may have a positive impact on each of these items, it may also have a significant...

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